Jake Cheong
I am inspired by the wonders of technology, in particular computers.
Who I am:
An aspiring game programmer, currently close to completing my programming degree at the University of Wollongong, Malaysia.
I am constantly looking to try new possibilities and to expand my skill set while meeting like-minded people. A passionate gamer, fascinated by details, characters and narrative in video games, thus allowing me to better create games.
You can find out more about me on linkedin
Current Project - WIP
Kampong Kanchel
Kampong Kanchel is an adventure game set in 1900s Malaysia.
Kanchel is a popular character well-known by anyone who has grown up in Malaysia and Singapore. As a cheeky mousedeer, Kanchel, tricks tigers, crocodiles and monkeys as he makes his way about the Malaysian jungle.
genre - adventure